Hi Najwan,

It's unreal that Blinken said those words today -- what?! Unreal.

And it's not just the USA either, it's all western governments funding and arming Israel. The northern power brokers have no values, it seems.

Take good care and, as always, thanks for posting.

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It’s beyond ludicrous. Makes me so mad, the angry kind and the I feel like am going crazy kind…


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Me too, Najwan.


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Hello Najwan! That Anthony Blinken gets more difficult for me to watch and listen to these days - such a lying prick (like that other clown, what's his name, Smirk?).......

UN General Assembly General Debate: Bah, Humbug, I say! All talk, the majority condemns, no action - ever! Hope something's different this time....

Thank goodness for your poetry!

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I thank God for you sweet Leon! It’s so many hours, paid lip service, against a backdrop gushing our blood..

I will watch the UNSC session on Lebanon today but I foresee that after their usual 3ish hour deliberations we will just get back to dying some more..


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