Guess who's back, back again?
Donald’s back, tell a friend,
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
Guess who's back, guess who's back,
Guess who's back..
(Da-da-da, da, da, da, da, da, da)
(Da-da-da, da, da, da, da)
🎥 Trump’s Businesses: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Weak government, installation,
norms that can! be ignored!
intruding showers, open agenda,
point that blank map, run the clock,
bad business, open twenty-four seven,
take away my sanity, our humanity,
add one point, quote unquote,
settlement endeavor,
adhoc annexation,
devil’s canyon, endless butt names,
tit-for-tat! kinetic ping-pong!
impressionable! but only by money!
wannabe turtles! from entourage!
without alternative! or replacement!
sacrifice our Palestinian! HUMAN rights!
heart knocking, get-rich! quick-class!
there exists, a lot, sad clips,
wrapped in broken flesh and bone,
our blood just runs..
watch out, tick-tock,
extermination, o’clock 💔
Oh boy! strap in folks!!
about to get! super bumpy!
we’re about! to die some more!
Passed two more!
racist! killer! laws!
it didn’t pass,
prior, October 7,
twenty, twenty-three,
but gee whiz, lo behold!
legality! shmegality!
how deep..
the bloody,
flows today 💔
🎥 Laws passed by Knesset are part of an ‘institutionalized apartheid’: Lawyer
Al Jazeera English | Nov 7, 2024
Israel’s parliament has adopted two new controversial laws. One law allows for the deportation of citizens of Israel of Palestinian descent who happen to be family members of people who have attacked Israel or had planned to attack Israel. They would be deported if they were deemed to have had prior knowledge or if they had expressed sympathy with the act or with so-called terrorist organisations. The other law targets Palestinian schools in occupied East Jerusalem, which Israel has annexed illegally, as well as schools inside Israel proper, run by Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall is following this story from Amman, because the Israeli government has banned Al Jazeera from reporting in the occupied West Bank and from inside Israel. He explains how these new laws will impact Palestinian-Israeli citizens.
Sawsan Zaher, a Palestinian human rights lawyer, told Al Jazeera that the two laws recently approved by the Knesset are “a dream come true for the right-wing coalition in the government.”
Wicked societies..
those that commit genocide!
commit their own suicide!
and in those hateful ashes,
Falastin will finally breathe,
our babies will live,
they’ll really really,
get to live..
Came across below interview wrestling the early morning hours in bed and I found it profound enough to chronicle..
This post,
this internet,
this day,
our ongoing,
feel free to tune,
feel free to care,
and always feel..
just feel,
please 🙏
🎥 "The more the US interfere, the more they are hated" | Wadah Khanfar | UNAPOLOGETIC
Middle East Eye | Oct 23, 2024
“I think the Arab leaders are going to be the victims of this genocide in Gaza.” Wadah Khanfar is the founder and executive director of the Al-Sharq Forum. He is also the former director general of the Al Jazeera Media Network. We speak to Khanfar about Gaza, the prospect of regional war, what it means to be a Palestinian and an Arab at this moment in time, and how the frustration being felt by Arabs due to “genocide” in Gaza will manifest itself. Khanfar also recalls his time as a journalist in Afghanistan and Iraq and how the challenges he faced there compare with what journalists in Gaza are going through now. And he speaks about what inspired him to write his book, The first Spring, which is about what drove the strategic goals of the Prophet Muhammad.
Well.. Sir Cheetos,
I guess in fact,
you may be orange,
you may be fake,
and mostly sound,
like a two-year old,
but kudos to you,
alf mabrook wallah 👏,
you’re now..
officially again,
world’s vainest emperor 🫡
but the saddest truth?
it turns out..
we were even,
vainer than you..
joke on us 💔

Tonight’s vibe,
and soundtrack,
.. تصبح على خير
The nightmare continues. What are we going to do?
This situation is so depressing. I hope you're well, Najwan. Thanks for posting as you always do. 🍉
HE'S BAAAAACKK!!!! Still a mental midget, still stupid and sleazy, still CORRUPT! How could so many voters be so fucking ignorant?