Chess sand board,
dark-white thoughts,
cries like wind, excessively,
rhythmical, chorused feet
ill afford, one false move,
underlines, your no red lines 💔
fermented fear, morphed impulse,
warlords, warfare, hijacked myths,
project fractals, gangsters fire,
precision-free, artillery 💔
🎥 An interview with Israeli soldiers reveals 'Everything is Permitted' in attacks on Palestinians
@Al Jazeera | July 10 2024
repeating theme, stick man figures, released hearts hollow,
wilted will… sufficiently
“And we know, more than anything, what matters when battles are fought is political will. So right now, in a sense, there's another elephant in the room in Washington, DC that no one is talking about. While we're all looking at Ukraine, there is Gaza.
And you can be sure that all of them are thinking about that. Yesterday, one Turkish delegate said that, is this a hierarchy of humanity? That we are looking so intently at Ukraine, to help Ukraine, to save Ukraine, and yet we are leaving Gaza to die.
And just one more example, the hospital in Ukraine, horrific, hitting the children's hospital. It's cruel. It's a war crime.
It's absolutely devastating. But there's been more than 13,000 children killed in Gaza since October 7th. And there is not the same reaction.
Keir Starmer does not make strong statements. It's not front page news of all the British papers, as it was the children's hospital.”
Al Jazeera | The Inside Story Podcast | What challenges does NATO face? | July 10 2024
dearest villains,
we’re, not, victims,
play elsewhere,
watchful world,
you left us lone,
leave us still,
fending monsters,
gobble land,
feasting flesh,
stealing lives,
only rivers flushed with sewage,
running blood and distilled tears
descended masters, walk with us,
some awoke, or were awake,
morality, our planet bleeds,
virtue vice, or vice versa
🎥 The Great Awakening Documentary
@Mikki Willis | June 3 2023
my heart I am, guides me now,
pen and paper, soar in search,
combining perfect simple words,
hopeful end, make it sing,
dream of who I choose to be,
don’t give up, forever now,
imagine that we’re frozen light,
evaluate, shine so bright,
illuminate, course of voice,
need not shine for all to see,
just bright enough, to light your way,
hold the hands of people scared,
so they may live at least one life 🙏
May your benevolent heart continue to guide you. Shukran for sharing dear Najwan. I salute you from the hurting, yet glorious Rafah. Allah yebarek feekee.
The world needs peace, truth and justice so badly right now, Najwan. And the killing has to stop.
And it's an insult to talk about how terrible it is to bomb a children's hospital in Ukraine, blaming Russia without adequate proof, while ignoring all the hospitals and murdered children in Gaza.
It's infuriating. No children should be killed anywhere. These times are just brutal.