the people decided!
not prepared,
to save a soul,
unnatural silence,
twisted, broken,
right and perfect,
smile, look better,
suppress authentic,
thought, emotion,
intensely whisper,
expect to now,
be all alone,
worked my life,
to just get here,
choose to let,
tears fall down,
something in me,
never quiets,
safe house,
safe rooms,
safe from danger,
ignore that,
widespread scale,
social media,
hell’s live image,
let’s skip straight,
to something else,
encourage herd,
don’t interfere,
feel control,
happy, loved,
let you play,
your favorite toys,
remembrance of,
those we loved,
then we lost,
and we lose
🎥 Israel Wants the World to Become Numb and Distracted, But the Genocide is Ongoing
w/ Mouin Rabbani
@BreakThrough News | Rania Khalek Dispatches | Jul 17, 2024
and member states!
group of friends,
they circulate!
words & motions,
shuffle here,
shuffle there,
poor despair!
here’s a thought,
evict the devils,
from roundtable,
new world order,
time to change,
so no one dies
The Security Council held its quarterly open debate on “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question” yesterday, July 17 2024.
Russia, which holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council for the month of July, has chosen to hold the meeting as a ministerial-level signature event. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will chair the meeting. The Secretary-General’s Chef de Cabinet, Earle Courtenay Rattray, is expected to deliver remarks on behalf of Secretary-General António Guterres.
Security Council Report | Jul 16, 2024
🎥 (Part 1 / 2) The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question - Security Council, 9687th meeting
🎥 (Part 2 / 2) The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question - Security Council, 9687th meeting
@UN Web TV | Jul 17, 2024
RIYAD H. MANSOUR, Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine, noting that trees are often planted by those who know they will never sit in its shade, said the international law-based order is similar: it was put in place by those who endured the worst tragedies, tree by tree, to provide shade to future generations. “Israel has uprooted every one of those trees in Gaza,” he said, noting that it has killed those most entitled to protection — civilians, including children, humanitarians, doctors and journalists. Its own soldiers do not hesitate to share recordings of their crimes with the world. “What is happening in Gaza will go down as the most documented genocide in history,” he said, adding that Israel has also manufactured a humanitarian catastrophe with famine at its core, wielding starvation, dehydration and the spread of diseases as the ultimate weapons. “Two million people, who were subjected to a 17-year old blockade are now confronted with a hermetic siege, dying of hunger and disease, while food and medicine are available only meters away,” he said.
The representative of Israel said that “Iran has been obsessed with killing Jews everywhere” and is exporting its bloodshed and destruction to all corners of the region. However, instead of focusing on the cause, the Council focuses on the symptom of the situation in the Middle East, he observed, adding that the true reason for the devastation and bloodshed is “never to be named”. Practising such “wilful blindness”, this Council regularly ignores the issue, preferring to focus on Israel. Iran is failing its people and has subjugated its citizens since 1979 when it launched a revolution that only brought destruction. The people of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen have all suffered due to Iran’s attempts to inflame the region. Despite chanting “death to Israel”, Iran’s leaders still receive the red-carpet treatment at the Council, he said, noting that, recently, that country launched over 350 missiles and drones at Israel. “It has taken its annihilationist obsession against Israel to a whole new level,” with a digital countdown clock in Tehran showing how many days remain until the destruction of Israel by the year 2040. “Where is the outrage?”, he asked, warning that Iran is weeks from having enough enriched uranium to develop a nuclear bomb.
And in other related news…
The International Court of Justice is set to deliver its Advisory Opinion in respect of the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, tomorrow Friday 19 July 2024 at 3 p.m.
The United Nations General Assembly requested the Advisory Opinion in December 2022.
🔖 ICJ Press Release No. 2024/56
🔖 UN General Assembly A/RES/77/247
I wish I understood why you choose to be so cruel…
But I simply can’t, and don’t.
🎶 Paris Paloma - My Mind
@Paris Paloma | Jan 24, 2024
I can't and don't understand the cruelty either, although I've heard from some about the intense indoctrination they go through.
Cruelty. Insanity. Bittersweet Poetry. Protect yourself. Protect your heart. Protect your mind. Evil is overwhelming. Resist we must. Resist we must.