A captain come September 28 ‘24 🫡
Came across an Instagram story Friday afternoon…
And so now I share, what I’ve learnt and what I’ve done 🤓

Please consider,
enroll in my vision,
my mission to save,
bring them some peace,
mental health needs,
in pace or in place,
run, walk or invest,
world is our chance,
unclip those wings,
curate our present,
invite the future,
where we all live


🎥 The Children of UNRWA: World Refugee Day | June 20 2024
Our Refugee Advisory Council members are children of UNRWA. They will share stories of how the Agency was integral to their upbringings in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon and continues to be part of their lives today. This event will also feature a music performance or two by talented artists from Gaza.
Storytellers this year:
👓 Ahmad Arafat, Chief Information Officer at 5D Services, LLC
🏡 Rania Qawasma, Architect & Founder of Daarna
📚 Ihmayed Ali, Biomedical Engineer at McGill University and Author
🎓 Raed Sharif, PhD, Senior Regional Program Manager at SecDev Foundation
UNRWA saved my parents, not sure the domino effects had they not.. would it still have lead me here? typing these words in a Substack publication, trying to honor them back, save those still living there, that twisted version of Hell…
Do too consider, preserving the funding that saves so many lives…
Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you