nutanyahoo as a liar gives even the orange turd competition.....
Haha I was late to read this comment, but what a gran chuckle it did afford me just now.
Thank you Leon 🤓 And agreed (wholeheartedly)
What a frickin sham that was yesterday! Netanyahoo is a liar, a fraud, and an authoritarian just like his buddy Orange man. The sooner Israel deposes him the better for Jews AND Palestinians!
Hehe buddy orange man, shukran for the giggle Danny. Hope life is treating you well.
And inshallah soon, we can have that peace, #PalestineWillBeFree
nutanyahoo as a liar gives even the orange turd competition.....
Haha I was late to read this comment, but what a gran chuckle it did afford me just now.
Thank you Leon 🤓 And agreed (wholeheartedly)
What a frickin sham that was yesterday! Netanyahoo is a liar, a fraud, and an authoritarian just like his buddy Orange man. The sooner Israel deposes him the better for Jews AND Palestinians!
Hehe buddy orange man, shukran for the giggle Danny. Hope life is treating you well.
And inshallah soon, we can have that peace, #PalestineWillBeFree