What will our children do in the morning?

Will they wake with their hearts wanting to play,

the way wings should?

Will they have dreamed the needed flights and gathered

the strength from the planets that all men and women need to balance

the wonderful charms of the earth

so that her power and beauty does not make us forget our own?

I know all about the ways of the heart – how it wants to be alive.

Love so needs to love that it will endure almost anything, even abuse,

just to flicker for a moment.

But the sky’s mouth is kind, its song will never hurt you,

for I sing those words.

What will our children do in the morning

if they do not see us fly?

~ Rumi ~

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Shukran Carina for sharing such beauty in words...

I am so tired of this world we create... to turn a mere profit on lives we should save...


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They will have to answer for their crimes ... sooner or later 💚 🇵🇸 💚

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I will take sooner, our children have suffered enough..

♥️ ya

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Jun 16Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

I'm thankful I read and watched this. I was told to be suspicious of Wikipedia a couple of years ago and I did became so, but I thought they were referring to the many errors on subjects. Then last year my sister told me No, Wikipedia spreads lies. Well, I stopped using it except for non-controversial subjects. I really really see now how I did the right thing. The lies, the manipulations are so far spread that all generations, but especially the younger generations have to be taught of the length and breathe of the deception the powerful will go to.

It's frightful and sad to have to carry distrust in your head, but it's fruitful and joyful to hold empathy and love in your heart to protect the vulnerable.

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You are a shining example Ellen of a human that will not conform to comfortable ways, because you're right in understanding (as I do now) they manipulate us, distract us, silence us, kill us, for no good reason but profits on paper... 💔

May more hearts turn a new page, so we can still save some lives...otherwise we are just completely wasting time...

Viva la 🇵🇸

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

Eid Mubarak Dear Najwan, time will come soon Inn shaa Allah when we celebrate Eid without pain and our children joyfully play, sing and laugh like other children. Time will come soon Inn Shaa Allah when you bless and honor us with you celebrating Eid with us in Gaza Al Ezzah in Free Palestine. Allah Yebarek Feekee

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Bless you Eissa, I look forward to the day I can step on our land, be more useful to them than just prayers in words...

But until that day I will write what my heart bleeds out...

Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones ♥️

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Jun 16Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab


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Your kindness is beautiful, shukran for taking the time to read and to write. You make my heart feel less alone... and slightly less broke...

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Jun 17Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

I never used Wikipedia for anything! It was known day one that anyone can edit and create any content without verification. Years later it was exposed and started to limit access to their site but no matter what we should never rely on one source for information and now we have tons of info available online. But what we need is people who are in on top of all the information online to keep correcting the post which might take years to catch up on all the false info. Out there.

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100% agree. The internet has become an easy prey for misinformation and disinformation, and if lazy enough, we will believe the first (and perhaps... only) thing we read...


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Jun 17Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

Wikipedia is not the problem. Our cynicism and lack of hope/faith are. Too many of us have given up. We can’t see the future. Only the lies. It’s hard to beat them at their own game when the rules keep changing and they hold the power. But you, the young among your readers Najwan, you, must not give up. Be angry. But fight. All nations are

The same because all politicians are the same, all governments and militaries are the same. But people are not. We must find like minded souls who can reach beyond borders, cultures, religions, and languages to find and share love of and for humanity. We have to fight for as Seneca stated, “Seven generations…” as soon as it becomes about me, the future ceases to mean anything for my life is nearly done. It must be about those not yet born. I owe it to them as my ancestors did for me. We must have the sight to plan, the wisdom to implement, and the faith to know that good will prevail. Without faith in goodness we have nothing. 🙏🏽

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I agree Danny ♥️ (although I might debate you on the 'young' part 🤓, I do appreciate the sentiment... 😊)

Kidding aside, I am mad and I am sad... and I would rather die attempting to do right by the generations before (and present) that sacrifice(d) so much for me, and the debt I owe the generations to come, regardless that I will not have birthed any direct from womb (that fact is irrelevant, every child is innocent and deserving of true existence)

As I have said before (somewhere on here am sure), we are just wasting time, and my life is not about that. It will never be about that...

Viva la 🇵🇸

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