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Shukran dear Najwan, we, the people of the Orient in general and The Palestinians in particular have always been tolerant to everyone who landed on our shores, the Jews refugees were among the people we welcomed to our land after they had been refused entry to many Western countries, especially the USA. Tolerance is one of our core principles and values. Unfortunately, sometimes we tolerate wrong people. Excellent post dear Najwan, stay strong.

(PS: Dr. Lana asked me to let you know that she had written an essay about tolerance before this genocide started. She lost it along with her books, papers, almost everything when her home was attacked and destroyed in January this year, she promised me to try to find or rewrite her essay and asked me if it would be okay if she shared it with you. I promised her to check with you, so please let me know if it is acceptable for you that I share her essay with you on her behalf. Shukran dear Najwan, Allah Yebarek Feekee).

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1. Your first paragraph is spot-on, shukran for sharing Captain Eissa. It seems the core principles exhibited/upheld by our ancestors, do not find themselves reciprocated in many other man. Shame on them for not bearing a moral compass and for yielding permanently ugly hate. That very hate will erode much of their social fabric, and they will implode.

And 2. Duuuude! Akeed a million bazillion times. I would LOVE to read Dr Lana's words and if she wanted I could maybe publish it in an upcoming piece. And you already know I ADORE your words, so I would gladly showcase them anytime. I've seen the option to co-author posts which I haven't done before. It's only ever me writing around here..πŸ€“

But either way, whether just read for myself, add into a post, or co-author one. I am here to chronicle our voice, our truth, our talents..

Sooo, basically, am at your service habeebi! And by extension Dr. Lana's service! And by further extension, anyone there with you..

I may not know you all but I already know that I love you, and you deserve a life of dignity and security. #PalestineWillBeFree

Sending all my love, wishes and prayers always.


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Shukran dear Najwan your beautiful response, greatly appreciated. I have conveyed immensely kind words to Dr. Lana who is over the moon now. She asked me to convey her gratitude to you. Once she finds or rewrite her essay I shall translate and send it to. (Of course Capt. Eissa is the one to take care of that, what are good friends for).

Please know that your name and posts are shared and loved here. Allah Yebarek Feekee.

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Aww yay! Am now envisioning our sweet Dr. Lana over a cheese-moon with a happy-smile πŸ€“

And hehe akeed, you are the greatest friend wallah! I honor myself by thinking of you as mine too ☺️ And alf shukran Captain Eiss for all your diligent translations and socializing of words. It makes my heart a little less sore knowing you can read through them, the truths we're trying to rise and all the love we're desperately trying to give.

There is only one life mission...


I promise I hold it dear, every second of breath.

Viva la πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

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Shukran dear Najwan for your very kind response, Allah Yebarek Feekee. Yes, Lana is wearing big smile since she read your beautiful words yesterday. The honor of our friendship is entirely mine, I shall cherish your friendship for the rest of my days. Inn Shaa Allah these trying times go away and you come and see us here in our wounded yet forever, beautiful Gaza. Stay strong dear Najwan

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Yes yes yes! Nothing would elate my heart more than seeing you! Dr. Lana! and all my future friends and family β™₯️

So please, you must take extra-extra (extra) care of yourself, i.e. preserve your life and safety, so I can see you in Gaza and write about your amazing heart in-person πŸ€“

Am so glad I could help paint a smile on Dr. Lana's face. Cannot wait to hug you all soon inshallah. Until then! we have our words and we will use them!

God bless you, Dr. Lana, everyone with you..

And viva la πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

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