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Shukran dear Najwan for reminding us of the International Day of Peace. I wouldn’t be surprised if the US and it’s club put forward a proposal to dedicate the rest of the year for genocide. Stay strong Najwan, Allah Yebarek Feekee. Salute.

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Oh boy Captain Eissa. We’re (not so) slowly marching up to the 1 year mark already. I know they (β€˜Merica) wish no real change for fear of impact to their presidential bids. I wish elect them both for a job at burger king at best. Cowardly puppets do not deserve ranks that extend or expand beyond menial cognitive influence.

I remain wholeheartedly sad by this world, but I am moved and motivated in full for Falastin. She’s in my heart and on my mind most every minute of life that ticks before me…

Please take care of yourself and pass everyone my well wishes and love.


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