Aww bless you Diana. Am definitely packing mine to take. I wish for so much to be different and better but I take comfort in trying…
And with that too, I truly only ever get joy from your kindness (and few others on here). You will never know how much this aching heart thanks you for yours ♥️
I hope you have a wonderful visit with your cousin, Najwan!
And I'm so with you on Gaza. How I want the killing to stop.
I wish I could get my hands on a keffiyeh, so I could visibly show my support for Palestine. They're hard to find in Canada...
Safe travels.
Aww bless you Diana. Am definitely packing mine to take. I wish for so much to be different and better but I take comfort in trying…
And with that too, I truly only ever get joy from your kindness (and few others on here). You will never know how much this aching heart thanks you for yours ♥️
Talk soon inshallah x