Shukran dear Najwan for posting this. The memory of Muhammad and the thousands like him will hunt those criminals for eternity. Their end is soon. Allah Yebarek Feekee.
There are too many innocent lives and not all of them get extinguished, intact with a name and some evidence of how or why. Least I can do is honor those souls and remind the world that we have been dying courtesy of monsters for a very long time now.. 💔
Viva la 🇵🇸
I hope you are keeping well Captain Eissa. Did you see my UNRWA Dallas post from Saturday? 🤓
The Zionist Influencers are absolutely atrocious. We can clearly see what is happening. Such a disgrace to not speak up and out on this fake information, mass destruction and horrific genocide of Palestine 🇵🇸 and now again Lebanon 🇱🇧
Babies! Where are their hearts?
They've traded away their humanity. For what?
Profits for Raytheon?
Sigh...thanks for posting, Najwan.
Shukran Diana 🇵🇸🇱🇧💔🙏
They are heartless. I am dealing with the criminality of these psychopaths everyday. They have sold their souls to the devil long time ago.
And it worries me every day thinking of you and others trapped with monsters. I am sorry we still can’t stop them..
Shukran dear Najwan for posting this. The memory of Muhammad and the thousands like him will hunt those criminals for eternity. Their end is soon. Allah Yebarek Feekee.
There are too many innocent lives and not all of them get extinguished, intact with a name and some evidence of how or why. Least I can do is honor those souls and remind the world that we have been dying courtesy of monsters for a very long time now.. 💔
Viva la 🇵🇸
I hope you are keeping well Captain Eissa. Did you see my UNRWA Dallas post from Saturday? 🤓
Thank you Najwan ❤️🇵🇸❤️
The Zionist Influencers are absolutely atrocious. We can clearly see what is happening. Such a disgrace to not speak up and out on this fake information, mass destruction and horrific genocide of Palestine 🇵🇸 and now again Lebanon 🇱🇧
Peace. Be Still
Shukran Susan for your heartfelt note 🙏 I cannot fathom this world as it stands. And perhaps that is why, we watch it crumbling, rebellion..
The Horror. The Obscenity!