Jun 9Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

It's unbelievable this has gone on for so long. When will it end? Thanks for posting, Najwan. I wish there was more I could do...

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And still going. These were numbers and content from early yesterday morning. Am catching up now to the 274+ more dead yesterday as Israel saved 4 hostages. Our human life is not human to them. And therefore neither to the U.S. and so those numbers will only grow…

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you already are doing much more than most of humankind πŸ™...Yes, it has gone for a long time now...300.000 years. Thank you for acknowledging the suffering in our shared heart... we all share the same... some more closed, some more open...always a heart.... that's what can end this... thanks for your heart always open...keep being as you are 🫢

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Jun 9Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

I am grieving with you. I have no more words, only tears. Let those tears be a balsam in the horror we are experiencing. Let those tears bring awareness to end this horror. Let the beauty in your words and your soul shine on the peace we all want. Let peace in your heart. Inshallah πŸ•ŠοΈ

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I really felt like those last two weeks of December was my grieving period not only for πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ but for the world. I see it now.

I want to live real and not lose my soul chasing this physical realm’s passions (distractions) into oblivion. I am not greedy for money, power, brands, likes, etc. etc.

I only care to know and be around the common man and nature. Not those ugly gluttonous creatures, wrapping themselves in wealth, accumulating more and more of it to feed the holes inside them. I really love hearing real people’s stories. But not all here are worthy of reciting it, most probably don’t understand who they are without their things.

Our strive for all this productivity is only proving destructive. We are destroying people, countries, environment, habitats, nature. We are not an intelligent species. We would otherwise not have manufactured whole systems possible of marginalizing and normalizing all injustices. We built mass distractions and sparked fear into each individual demanding allegiance to a country/a religion/ etc. and we do not see one another as fellow members of humanity. That is what we all are to one another. Human to human. The rest is noise.

Our value systems need to be returned. We need to take back countries under the rule of bad actors. Build real transparency where everyone is in the room with equal voice.

And as Israel continues to come out to the world from a place of β€˜victim’, all that displays is their courage is dead, their intelligence fake. And more than that, they attempt to manipulate the cosmos with all their false starts and false words, all to extract maximum benefit for them. Benefit from the physical realm that again means nothing at all. Nothing.

We need to stop dying and killing for greed and power. It was disgusting then, disgusting now and you can bet the future state of it will be disgusting then.

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Jun 9Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

oh my God,my dear, keep being human, beyond beliefs.

Beyond them, what is?

Here are my hands and a humble heart to listen.

Two arms to hug.

Nothing else. Nothing more.

I can't stop this insanity.

I can...maybe...bring a little bit of peace to someone I don't know?

That's what you always do with your words.

I can only be grateful.

How can I can be helpful?

I am here πŸ–οΈ

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Oh Forrest, you do so much for me, more than people I actually know.

You see me, you hear me, you speak to me with honesty and integrity.

You make me feel less alone.

And with all that you offer your kind friendship for nothing in return.

And I genuinely want to learn your full life story one day, the joys, the pains, the in-betweens, how you perceive the world. That's what I want.

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4 am πŸ’” just reading everyone's posts ... wondering what else I can say, do, or post to make a difference and stop this slaughter πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

wondering when someone will stop the US and it's rampant global terrorism

wondering why no one other than the axis of resistance is doing something to stop this


wondering why the ICC has not issued warrants as yet and wondering if this is all just more political lip service from the alleged humanitarian institutions


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