I see red when I think of those children who have been killed. And the western complicity that enables it.
Hallowe'en is a strange night, isn't it? It was once the pagan new year, and now it's all about costumes and candy. The kids, at least here in North America, get to have fun.
I see red when I think of those children who have been killed. And the western complicity that enables it.
Hallowe'en is a strange night, isn't it? It was once the pagan new year, and now it's all about costumes and candy. The kids, at least here in North America, get to have fun.
Take good care, Najwan.
Yes, costumes and candy, such merry and fun..
How total bipolar this world looks to be..
Viva la 🇵🇸
Wish you a good night dear Diana ♥️
Thanks, Najwan. Wishing you a good night too, dear Najwan.