Spice vice,
bid price,
word, advice,
acoustic device,
survive the genocide!
survive the American system!
linked fate,
demographic horror,
our ongoing slaughter,
your unmasked face,
where we shall,
be free..
I fear your fate,
crumble, evaporate,
fair sentencing,
by which I mean,
Happy Halloween 🎃

Every time you’re tempted,
make home of your own,
take your time,
try to climb,
we will come,
tear it down,
catch your tears,
watch in glee,
you grim sorrow,
actual horror
🎥 Children in Gaza learn to spot unexploded ordnance as Israeli unexploded bombs pose threat for years
Al Jazeera English | Oct 31, 2024
In Gaza, children attend life-saving lessons on identifying unexploded ordnance left in their homes, as up to 15% of the missiles dropped by Israel remain unexploded, posing long-term risks. The International Committee of the Red Cross teaches them to recognise and avoid these dangers. Despite their familiarity with conflict, the toll on children has been staggering, with over 13,300 killed in the last year. UN investigator Chris Sidoti highlights the unprecedented scale of child injuries and fatalities, as children in Gaza now face the ongoing threat from explosives in their daily lives.
sweet friendly,
Happy Halloween indeed…
🎥 Inside the Deadly Market for Experimental Bodybuilding Drugs | Fault Lines Documentary
Al Jazeera English | Oct 31, 2024
Performance-enhancing drugs were once a closely guarded secret in the bodybuilding world, but a new generation of fitness influencers is openly sharing their use on social media and marketing dangerous new substances known as research chemicals to their teenage followers. These new drugs have been linked to organ damage, heart failure and, in some cases, death. Their sale for human use is illegal but social media companies and the Federal Drug Administration are seemingly unable or unwilling to stop their spread.
I see red when I think of those children who have been killed. And the western complicity that enables it.
Hallowe'en is a strange night, isn't it? It was once the pagan new year, and now it's all about costumes and candy. The kids, at least here in North America, get to have fun.
Take good care, Najwan.