Sep 18Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

Palestine is so deserving of a bright future.

And the children -- I can hardly stand to think of what they've been through, and those who have lost their lives.

I hope this latest move by the United Nations works, and I can't wrap my head around how Israel, the USA and its allies can keep claiming they have a right to do what they're doing.

Thanks for posting, Najwan.

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Inshallah they all vote, justice and peace, it's an easy one to make..


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ONE YEAR????? 12 MONTHS??????

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Aren’t we just splendid?! Humankind, indeed…

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Sep 18Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

Shukran Dear Najwan, as our Palestinian great poet Mahmoud Darwish said ;

وحدنا نُصغي إل رعد الحجارة ’ هيروشيما

وحدنا نُصغي لما في الروحِ من عبثٍ ومن جدوى

وأمريكا على الأسوارِ تهدي كل طفل لعبةً للموتِ عنقوديَّةً

يا هيروشيما العاشقِ العربي أَمريكا هي الطاعون , والطاعونُ أمريكا

نعسنا . أَيقظتنا الطائرات وصوتُ أَمريكا

وأَمريكا لأمريكا

وهذا الأفق اسمنتٌ لوحشِ الجوِّ.

نفتحُ علبةَ السردين , تقصفها المدافعُ

نحتمي يستارةِ الشباك , تهتز البناية . تقفزُ الأبوابُ . أُمريكا

وراء الباب أمريكا

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Mashallah, now that's a poet indeed 🙏

وراء الباب أمريكا

We will close that door!

their male pale face,

never to hurt, assert, divert,

liquidate all thought, control,

a new world order,

minus dumb 🇺🇸,

and dumber 🇮🇱

Alf shukran for sharing Eissa ♥️

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Sep 18Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

Yours is beautiful poetry too, Mashallah. Yes, we need to close that evil door.

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Aww shukran Captain Eissa. I humbly accept the observation 🤓☺️😊

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