Shukran for this exceptional work dear Najwan. But we should not be surprised with the depth of hate that IOF and their supporters have, for hate is the only thing that keeps them alive and thriving in their own dark evil malevolent dimension they operate from.

I went to Almawasi, Khan Yunis with my rescue team to help survivors and what we saw on the ground was beyond comprehension or description. But I assure that our beautiful people shall prevail and shall prevail sooner than most of people think. Shukran again dear Najwan, please keep up the good work. Your voice is making a huge difference. Allah Yebarek Feekee.

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Aww Eissa, I cannot even imagine what you all endure. It breaks me just watching and reading it. I do not think I have the actual courage to sustain living in/through it. I'm scared of a lot of things in real life, but there is no bigger purpose for my being here in this world than to be a light and voice for Falastin. I choose that calling over anything else. You are all in my heart and on my mind every single day, I promise you.

Please stay 'safe', as much as that word is laughable in this context, because they are so clearly just toying with us. You are in my prayers.


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keep planting seeds until insanity ends. I am horrorizired with this the dystopian hate, the inhuman safe zones hell... anr I also see how plants and flowers grow in the middle of hard concrete in the worst conditions for life... keep planting beautiful seeds Najwan 🙏

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Agreed Forrest, we are all co-creators in this world with the opportunity of curating and infusing beauty into everything. I just wish for all this suffering to stop. They are human beings, we are human beings...

Keep spreading your beautiful love and light ♥️

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Very well said

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Israel is out of control! How to stop them?! I wish I knew. Thanks for posting, Najwan.

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It just makes me sick Diana. The dystopian hate is on full display and we are just nodding our heads in agreement, allowing it all. The bigger ‘we’. But still. Why won’t they all react? To what is so obvious and so unjust?

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I wish I knew, Najwan. I wish the killing would stop.

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Sadistic. Sadistic and despicable. Surely the poisonous, toxic effects of their own hatred will ultimately be their undoing. It's enough to make a compassionate observer physically ill. Shukran.

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Shukran Leon. It's 10 months of live televised horror we have been diminished to just scroll through, robotic zombies... I cannot stomach this world we are accepting. I do not accept it.


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