How much worse can things get?

It's beyond belief what this administration is willing to do, and what Israel is willing to do.

What's become of the humanity of these people?

Anyways, Najwan, take care, and thanks for posting. I hope you sleep well tonight.

🍉 🙏🏼 🌹

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Shukran habeebti, need to try and get an operational sleep in tonight.

Gonna focus on finishing iftar now that I wrote and posted to socials.

Just need to know that I try,

every day,

I am alive

Wishing you good rest and sweet dreams Diana


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Thanks so much, Najwan.

I hope you enjoy finishing iftar. It must feel very sacred in these horrific times.

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It truly does. Everything we take for granted in this world. I feel it every day.

Viva la 🇵🇸

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Shukran dear Najwan, great post. It looks like the Orange Creature is doing a great job in showing the true face of the US and allies. Stay strong dear Najwan, Allah Yebarek Feekee

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You are right Captain Eissa. That creature is unmasking the ugly fascist face of the United States of Wars & Genocides

May their empire crumble in the weight of shame they carry.

And may Falastin breathe a sigh of relief in their ashes.

A nod farewell to colonial dipshits.

One giant leap for mankind.

We sacrificed the ultimate.

And we shall prevail.

Make this world,

A better place.

Wishing you and your family well. My love to you all (always) ♥️

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أمين أمين أمين يارب العالمين 🤲🙏

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I remember hearing about that Science article and thinking WTF!?!

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Haha it is so WTF. A testament to the unfortunate human condition

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Sitting quietly doing nothing is one of favourite things 🕊️

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Ameen. And I thoroughly enjoy conversing with myself too. Am pretty good company (just a twinge bit biased) 🤓☺️

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Reading the chillingly insane and blatantly authoritarian statement by the Whiteboy House regarding Mahmoud Khalil, the Palestinian student activist at Columbia University who was kidnapped by ICE goon squads, makes it clear that the ZioNazi dystopian reality that many of us predicted has definitely arrived. This clearly illegal and terroristic act by the orange turd's henchmen should be raising loud objections and outrage by our congress, media and judiciary against this arbitrary use of targeted martial law. This rogue administration is clearly determined to flaunt all of the barriers of propriety and legality to see how far and how fast it can install a fascist regime without pushback from our institutions and "leaders". Without SERIOUS and IMMEDIATE intervention, we will be looking back very soon and declaring that we should have responded as a country at this critical juncture, as we wonder why we watched - ignorant, passive, and dumbfounded - as the machinery of oppression was installed right in front of our eyes, without a peep. The failure to fight against oppression and genocide by immoral collusionists here, Najwan, will guarantee that it well land on our own population as well.

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