My heart is broken too, Najwan. And I'm furious.

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Am so tired of the constant state of grief, and I know Diana, I have NO right to complaint for I am so safe and sound. But inside I only feel dead and tired... And so confused, at this dark heartless world πŸ’” I don't want any part of it, not unless they too are allowed to live free, just live... I just want them to live...

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I so hear you, Najwan. Me too. We all have a right to complain, and need to keep it up for the sake of those innocent people being slaughtered. We have to make this stop together.

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May 30Liked by Najwan Abdul Wahab

Please keep on writing and posting about this, don't stop. You make our voices heard. Allah Yebarek Feekee Dear Najwan.

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Inshallah Eissa πŸ™

I swear I will be a voice,

Their voice,

Until our liberation,

Is secure,

And they are safe,

At the very least…

I was just really really struggling most yesterday and last night. I wish my heart was stronger sometimes. But I think Allah made it just weak enough so I can feel their pain, and use this platform to write of it and of mine πŸ’”

God bless you, and everyone else, that’s fighting this good fight.

Viva la πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

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