All these atrocities and crimes committed by those evil criminals are signs that their end is soon, sooner than what they and their supporters think. We suffer , we hurt, we lose loved ones every hour but we shall prevail in glorious ways that are made only for us, the Palestinians. Shukran dear Najwan, your dedication and commitment to our cause are inspiring. strong dear Najwan, Allah Yebarek Feekee. Salute

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Captain Eissa! I feel like I inadvertently worry about you and the others and so every time I see your name in a comment I am 1. Instantly relieved you are ‘okay’ 2. Happy and excited to read your words

God bless you, Dr. Lana, and every member of your civil defense teams and supporters. I am so small in what I am and do but I pray it helps you/us/Falastin..

From my heart to yours, sending you love, well wishes and prayers.

Please take care of yourself. And shukran for everything you do.


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Sometimes I feel like my rage could defeat the IDF! What can we do with our collective rage?

Thanks for your dedication, Najwan.

I hope you have a relaxing evening.

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Haha yes. Especially watching them bully and hurt our elders and our babies. It fills me with anger and sadness, I wish I could stop their pain and help them heal. But I just watch and watch, and watch it happen to them everyday.

Am laying down in bed now. Hope to close my eyes soon and shut it all out for a while.

Hope your evening is well sweet Diana x

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Thanks, Najwan.

I hope you're able to get a good sleep.

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