Great work that you're doing!

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Aww shucks, you got me blushing Leon (shukran)

I wish to spend my time reading, listening and learning so I may share it with the world. We have much to correct. And honestly... don't know that many care enough to transit from comfort to change, even if that will surely save the collective us...

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First of all, Najwan, I loved the poetry and the artwork. The video All Hail the Planet/Militarism & the Climate Crisis was excellent. UNEARTHED was an incredible piece of journalism, providing irrefutable proof of what we've known for decades about Big Oil's despicable and harmful undermining of the renewables movement and their bribing of all levels of government, globally, to insure their bottom lines and to continue their damaging and corrupt agendas.

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Wasn't that amazing! I watched 4 more videos from that All Hail the Planet series yesterday, so glad I came across it in my listening! That's how I heard mention of the other tangents I researched and added in piece.

A few puppeteers controlling the globe.

None of it is right, and yet we subscribe (obedient) to their model...

Thank you so very much for reading and taking the time to comment here <3

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