War itself,
project thy enemy,
picked small child,
devilish tint,
feel justified?
final face,
devil hides,
texan vixen,
(spoiler alert)
you don’t attract…
Free will,
choice to love,
person, place,
thing or flow,
gain a sense,
great spheres,
deviled right,
pickled fright,
suffer tight,
tricked, controlled,
further dark,
other side,
side of mind,
you innovate?
this shit here ⬇️
death and profit,
mabrook on nothing 👏
Mind cuts deep,
white cats, black clouds,
worship self,
better than us?
that’s your case?
funny (not funny)
she was a child!!
you’re just monsters!!
you must know that…
Force rich,
dead star,
grand scheme,
long-term game,
fly machine,
permanent war,
can you reject?
will you resist?
name the dead?
can you do that?!
too many buried,
rubble and dust,
remote control,
feel like a man?
clawing for air,
tight in your pants?
small penile, ego flair,
peacock of things,
nothing of worth,
devil’s play,
toy with our lives…
Armed, unmanned,
aerial reapers,
robot hosts,
predate skies,
roots in hell,
don’t look back,
or much less up,
blessing bad,
cactus thing,
running cry,
rigid diet…
hate, hate, hate!
nailed to cross,
stay, pray, fray!
quick talker,
grabs a hold,
contain inside,
tumor, cancer,
easy label,
good/bad guy,
told yourself,
better than us,
arabs & muslims,
now that shit’s funny,
haha on us…
Do note this…
you’ll burn in hell,
cruel, unkind,
rule of love,
if you don’t love,
pretend to love,
highest kind,
you see that curb?
drive-by hate,
divine itself,
your ugly war,
to clear some land!!!
make more money!!!
ladder’s wrong,
wrong direction,
too far down,
your moral code,
whole life spent,
heart ripped out,
your days in hell,
will ripen that…
Amen to that
You could,
choose love,
use that voice,
comfort which,
you lay, play, daze

yet you opt,
watch us ache,
I can’t help hate,
you ugly world,
far too cruel,
for far too long,
it’s been 9 months!!!
when will you stop???
I wish we could make this end. Keep on demonstrating and boycotting!
Najwan - you're appreciated. Gripping videos, beautiful poetry! Truthful message.