I wish we could make this end. Keep on demonstrating and boycotting!

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All I can and will do Diana.. I sincerely protest this bullshit we call life…

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Lots of aspects of life are really creepy these days. Hold tight to the good stuff, Najwan. That's how we keep going...

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Am trying Diana. Haven’t had an anchor for a while here now.. But my greater want, for a #freepalestine

Going to ready for bed now, tomorrow is another day, to try and ensure… #palestinewillbefree

Shukran for being a friend 🙏 Bid you sweet dreams inshallah ♥️

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Wishing you sweet dreams, and a sound and healing sleep. Najwan. Thanks for all you do.🙏

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♥️ you

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Yes I am bullshit, this is true. And this does not stop me to remind you Najwan how much I love all you do for peace. Hold tight and keep being the awesome Najwan this world needs.


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Shukran Forrest 🙏, much love to you for always reminding me so ♥️

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Najwan - you're appreciated. Gripping videos, beautiful poetry! Truthful message.

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Shukran Leon. Your newfound friendship (and kindness) are truly felt ♥️

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The ethics of a just warrior. The take away: true Muslims cannot be terrorists. And those who commit terrorism are renouncing their faith by their own deeds. They are the true enemies of Islam.

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Yeppers, you cannot claim (any) religious belief, with words and acts of hate against another being (for being different from you...)

Viva la 🇵🇸

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Thank you so much dear Najwan for sharing this beautiful work, Please maintain your course and Keep up the good work. Allah Yebarek Feekee.

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Shukran for reading me Eissa, and for leaving this sweet note.

I will keep the course (inshallah) so as to ensure #palestinewillbefree

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“اللهم أعني بقوتك”

Praying for you and all those affected, for strength, every day, every hour, every minute 🙏💙

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Shukran Joyce, I pray our children will one day have peace, that is my only want

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Insh’allah 🙏

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Hope you are keeping well Joyce. And shukran for being such a sweet digital friend 🤓♥️

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Shukran Najwan. All good here. 💙🙏

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In reality

For me

I am a patriot

But hate my country

We are hope

And love

And comfort

But also




Who are we?

Who am I

If I am American?

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Am sorry for your loss (wallah) Danny,

I grew up on American dreams,

You were the ones to save us,

How naive was/is that shit?

39 years old, I finally know,

The joke of democracy,

The devils in our storyline,

Fake heroes, real shadows,

Devils everywhere…


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Today I was coming home from buying a filter for my turtle tank. As I was passing a church, I read the board out front: “Pray for the safety of Jerusalem.” At that very same moment my eyes met a woman walking with her son. She was wearing hajib. I gave her a sign of peace (🙏🏽) and a head nod. What I wanted to do was stop and ask her if she was doing okay? If she was feeling safe here in the US? If she had support? If, coming here from her homeland, the U.S. was proving to be the promised land as she had hoped? What she needed for these things to happen for her and other Muslims. But I did not want to scare her. So I drove on feeling helpless in my own country. I felt helpless to be a beacon of hope to people who, like my grandparents, came here knowing that their children could do better and be better than they could in the small villages in Southern Mexico. I’m sorry.

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Me too Danny…

I don’t feel safe,

Am not happy,

I cry each day,

I must be here

But am the only one, sponsoring my family, for something more, than a refugee travel document…

So I must be here,

Alone, unwanted, extremely sad…

God bless your kind heart.

Wish I had,

something of,

comfort to state

But I detest,

this world a whole,

I wish I could,

be better/bigger,

than all of us this…

#freepalestine …

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