You are so right Diana. It is the mother of all crimes. And yet, still today, more of us, eliminated, exterminated, extinguished..

Well done, world…


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Oh, if it were only that easy to make all my dreams come true, Jimmie! I'd snap my fingers like the wizard said and make my wish come true.......

But insanity reigns, horror reigns, and it's going to take more than snapping my fingers to make this nightmare go away.

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Ahhh if only indeed…

Viva la 🇵🇸

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As goes Gaza, so goes the American Dream -- or went.

Genocide doesn't equal joy, or good vibes or the American Dream. It's a horror that anyone with a beating heart wants stopped.

Thanks for posting, Najwan. It is the crime of crimes.

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It is American Nightmare never dream

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