These UN Days of the _____ are like salt in the Palestinian wounds, especially when the slaughter and starvation are allowed to continue.

And the medical personnel and all who rely on them...

When will it stop?!

Take care, Najwan. I'm glad to hear that you landed safely.

Thanks for continuing to post.

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I don’t see the answer yet.. as they face their second winter now πŸ’”

I will always be forever sorry for all that we didn’t do…

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I know what you mean, Najwan. It's a horrible feeling...πŸ‰πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ’”

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Diana, what beautiful and inspiring solidarity you demonstrate. Many thanks.

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What you ARE doing is essential.

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πŸ‰ 😒

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Thank you, Najwan. The news remains horrific but necessary. It continues to break my heart, but I'm also gratified by all of the heroic efforts to raise and spread awareness of these horrors - especially when those who could contribute to their ending continue with their bullshit, dithering, and lies. Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan, Medical Practitioner at Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) Charity, CSO Speaker at the 2024 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, is one of those many heroic individuals. Her words are passionate and truthful.

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God bless you Leon and I wholeheartedly agree, these souls are the light of hope I hold on to.

Viva la πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ, today and forever

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